Monday, 25 June 2012


This blog is here to serve as a medium to show my developmental process of my Media 2 project. I have decided to start my project from scratch and approach the brief with an open mind, rather than attempting to salvage the work I had done previously.


  1. Hi Lisa,

    I'll try to give you a component of guidance on this through the summer, but remember that I've no access to notes, other lecturers etc... What I'll be saying here will very much be my own personal opinion.

    First thing - think hard about chucking the current project in the can and starting afresh. It sounds alluring and you could be forgiven for dreading the existing project at this stage.

    However, you have already done a lot of work on this. As I remember it (and again, I've no access here to the notes) the look of the CGI car was a huge problem. Also, the one character at the start (and at the end?) was the only character animation? Finally, look back at the original brief... Remember the guidance about 'the soft drinks industry'? Think of Fanta adverts, Coke adverts - how might you layer such graphical elements (eyecandy really) onto your project, really enlivening it?

    More character animation (cool kids on skateboards etc etc) and shamelessly steal concepts from other adverts if needs be...

    Try to test things out as animation and post the stuff on Youtube - I can check out short tests as the weeks move on.

    Remember, a summer project is a tall order. You're forced to work on your own, without access to lecturers, studio, reseouces etc... It's not recommended and it's not an ideal learning environment. Do what you can with the resources and time available. This is not a pressure cooker.

    1. Hey Dave,

      I worked fairly hard on the last project, and the results were obviously not fit for the requirements, so I don't think attempting to touch it up at this point will bring it from an F to a good grade. There's not much I can do with it to really improve it that much, unless I change everything in it. So I feel that it would essentially turn out as a different project altogether either way, and thus would rather begin afresh than start with an idea that didn't work and spiral out from there.
